Great Uganda Jobs

Twenty Six (26) Jobs at Mukwano Industries Uganda Limited - Career Opportunity in Uganda

Vacancy title:
Twenty Six (26)

Jobs at:
Mukwano Industries Uganda Limited

Deadline of this Job:
27th January 2018

Duty Station:

Job details:
Mukwano Industries Uganda Limited is the Leading Manufacturer of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in East and Central Africa. Mukwano Group is committed to producing safe and quality brands that enrich the lives of people in East and Central Africa every day.

Post: Social Media And Public Relations
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/SMPRE/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Sales Analyst
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/SA/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: internal Auditor
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/15/01/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Accounts Assistant Payables
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/15/01/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Finance And Administrative Officers
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/15/01/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Quality Control Officer
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/EHSO/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Electrical Supervisor
Ref. no: REF:AKOF/ES-LIRA/15/01/2018
Duty station: LIRA

Post: Electrical Supervisor
Ref. no: REF:AKOF/ES-K’LA/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Security Assistants
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/SA/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Environmental Health And Safety Officer
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/EHSO/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Plant Maintenance Mechanics - Plastics
Ref. no: REF:AKPL/PMM/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Plant Maintenance Electricians
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/PME/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Diesel Generator Mechanics
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/DGM/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Production Officer, Laundry Soap
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Shift Supervisors, Plastics Section
Ref. no: REF:MPCPL/SSP/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Production Officer, Refinery Section
Ref. no: REF:AKOF/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Shift Supervisors, Detergent Powder Section
Ref. no: REF:MPCPL/SSD/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Driver, Heavy Goods Vehicle, Medium Goods Vehicle, Lighty Goods Vehicle
Ref. no: REF:AKTL/D/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Auto Electrician
Ref. no: REF:AKTL/AE/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Water Treatment Plant Operators, Beverages
Ref. no: REF:BVG/WTPO/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Motor Vehicle Mechanics
Ref. no: REF:AKTL/MVM/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Air Compressor Technician
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/ACT/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Instrumentation Technician
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/AKOF/IT/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Machinist
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/M/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Laboratory Assistant
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/AKPL/LB/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

Post: Effluent Treatment Plant Operator
Ref. no: REF:MIUL/ETPO/15/01/2018
Duty station: Kampala

For more details on the Job Descriptions and Specifications, Please visit our Website on;
Job application procedure
Applications with a detailed curriculum vitae indicating contacts and emails of three (3) referees, copies of academic credentials, testimonials, and a national ID copy should be sent to;
The Human Resource Department,
Mukwano industries Uganda Limited
P.0 Box 2671, Kampala, UGANDA
Or by E- mail to  and quoting the job reference as subject to the mail. Successful candidates will be offered a competitive salary and benefits.
The attachment should not exceed 2MB and should be merged and sent as one attachment in PDF or word document.
Closing date of receiving applications is two weeks from the date of this advertisement i.e from 15th to 27th January 2018. Only successful candidates will be contacted within one week after the closing date. Any form of canvassing is prohibited. All successful candidates will be offered a competitive salary and benefits.

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